
Outfit Post: Orla Kiely Shoes

How to wear a denim jacket

Oh my heart eyes! Autumn is here; Just look at these stunning colours! We shot these pictures on a street near my house that isn’t even particularly picturesque, but the ivy and fallen leaves are just precious. Autumn makes everything look more beautiful.

I’m planning on wearing this outfit on my trip down to Etsy in London this week. If you follow me on Twitter you might have seen I’ve been invited to meet the team down there – I’m so excited to see where it all happens and only marginally terrified about having anything interesting to offer ;) Wish me luck!

Cream dress, denim jacket

Orla Kiely Autumn 2014 Collection

Sunflower Outfit

I’ve been lusting after these Orla Kiely shoes from Clarks for aaaaaages and they are finally mine. They are one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever owned and they really make me want to fill my wardrobe with beautiful, classic pieces and clear out all the old tat. I don’t know if it’s a sign of me growing up, or whether it’s the quality and perfection of these gorgeous heels… but I’m going to pretend it’s the latter ;)

A lot of people asked me on Instagram about the heel height – They are so comfortable and I’m really not a heel wearer. The insole is cushioned and the chunky heel and slight platform to the front make them really sturdy. Despite their unusual colouring I have so many ideas for outfits, so expect them to feature a whole lot!

Autumn style, autumn outfit post

Orla Kiely Shoes, Dotty

And guess what!? Look who’s going to be featuring on my blog very soon in an outfit post of his own, later this week I’ll introduce you to Boyfriend!! Yay.

Yorkshire Fashion Blogger


Denim Jacket | Levi  //  Lace Dress | TK Maxx  //  Sunflower Necklace | Damsontree Pottery  //  Orla Kiely Shoes | c/o Clarks

Loves x xx

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